Showing Posts from 'Jewellery Making'

Feeling Autumnal?

New Spring Flower Stacking Rings Autumn definitely seems to have settled itself around us. The woolly jumpers are out and my inability to light a fire in the wood burner has surfaced again!(kindling – use more kindling!) The cosiness of this time of year is just lovely. But the longer evenings do make me a […]

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Quartz ring commissioner

Commissions – Amy’s Engagement Ring

I love getting orders for commissions. Last year I was contacted by Amy who had moved away from the Welsh coast and wanted a little piece of it included in her engagement ring. Amy had lots of lovely ideas to incorporate sea glass or pieces of shell into the ring and had a wide selection […]

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Sea glass selection

Sea Glass Obsession

I’ve had a long obsession with sea glass going back to a time when I would find the beautiful pieces amongst the pebbles and not know what they were. Sea glass for those who don’t know is old bottles and jars that have been discarded in to the sea over the centuries, worn down to smooth organic […]

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